Monday, January 3, 2011

a new year.

I can't believe it's a new year already...time is flying by SO fast! I was looking at my dear friend Maura's blog today and saw an idea that she did that I am going to do as well, so thanks Maura :)

Here is a review of my 2010 in pictures


One of the hardest months I've ever gone through. I said goodbye to my best friend Jessica as she left to serve a mission in Jackson, Mississippi. I don't think I've ever cried that much...needless to say I knew she was going to be a great missionary.

I also moved back home in hopes to find a good job and save some money...that didn't happen. Instead I got to play with my family for 4 months. It was awesome.


I found out I was hired to be a Building Counselor for the Especially for Youth program for the BYU sessions. Totally stoaked for this!! I was soon to be a Red team member and would have no idea what was about to hit me.


Went up north with to a little city called Bruce with a group from the singles ward. Who knew a group of singles could have so much fun!? We made some yummy food and watched the first season of Glee. 


Enjoyed the new Twins stadium opening up and hit up as many games as possible with friends and family. Gotta love them Twins!


Celebrated my Dad's 50th birthday. Gotta say, decorating the lawn with 30 some pink flamingos was so funny. Dad loved it and the neighbors did too.


I began the craziest adventure of my life - efy, and loved just about every minute of it. 

(this is not our first date, but it's one of our first few)

Had my first date with Christopher James...who knew I was going to meet my future husband in the first week of working?

Saw my good friend Aly marry her best friend in the Salt Lake Temple. So glad I could make it.

Went on some crazy awesome dates with Chris. He's an awesome date planner.


On to month 2 of working efy...still loving it! Getting to know my team and loving all of our experiences together.


Ended the best adventure (so far) in my life with a team that I grew so close to.

Went to Disneyland with 60+ efy counselors, but spent most of the time with the boyfriend.

(two of my sisters look thrilled! haha)

Took Chris home to meet the family :)


Went to one of my Florida girls wedding receptions! Elyse was so pretty and Lance was fun to meet. It was good to get everyone together again.

Moved into an awesome new place in Provo, and started a new job working at Independence High School as a tutor.

Went to see John Mayer in concert with the boyfriend.


Took another trip to Disneyland and to stay with my aunt Lani.

Went and picked pumpkins with the boyfriend, carved them, and put them outside my doorstep.


GOT ENGAGED!! My cute fiance sent me on the sweetest scavenger hunt ever. Love him for that.

Went to St. George for Thanksgiving with Chris's family. Waited outside of Target on Black Friday and got a sick 40 inch flat screen :)


Went to see the Temple Square of my favorite holiday traditions. I'm now excited that I have someone new to do it with!

Went and spent Christmas with my family in Minnesota


We both got our first New Years kisses...ever :)

I have to admit that the year 2010 was a pretty good year. There were lots of tears, laugher, and love! Can't wait for what 2011 is going to bring me and now the fiance!

Happy New Year

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